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Research & Thought Leadership

We believe that the best solutions to migration-related challenges are evidence-based. We conduct primary research to address information gaps in migration literature and identify anti-trafficking intervention points for action. By aggregating and analysing data and distilling insights from  research we ensure that our programmes are data-driven. We share research findings, recommendations and thought leadership materials with migrants, employers, government, researchers and civil society to promote transparency and certainty among stakeholders working toward safer migration.


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Overview of International Migrant Workers in the Care, Hospitality, and Entertainment and Informal Economy Sectors in Hong Kong SAR, China

This report provides an overview of international migrant workers in Hong Kong SAR, China and labour migration pathways and identifies recruitment and employment risks in the care, hospitality, and entertainment and informal economy sectors. 

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Best Practice Guide: Hospitality Sector in Hong Kong SAR

This best practice guide has been developed to support employers in the hospitality sector in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (hereinafter Hong Kong SAR, China) to develop voluntary measures to promote safe, orderly and regular migration, particularly in relation to internationally recognised standards on ethical recruitment and employment of migrant workers. 

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Best Practice Guide: Care Sector in Hong Kong SAR

This best practices guide has been developed to support employers in the care sector in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (hereinafter Hong Kong SAR, China) to develop voluntary measures to promote safe, orderly and regular migration, particularly in relation to internationally recognised standards on ethical recruitment and employment of migrant workers

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Indebted Before Departure

Labor migration is currently the most common predicate action leading to human trafficking and forced labor, and debt bondage is the most common indicator of forced labor. Based on Migrasia’s first hand experience with directly assisting thousands of migrant domestic workers per year, instances of collusion between migration intermediaries in migrants’ pre-departure phase have been identified as an enabling factor for abuse. This research seeks to test and understand these relationships, filling important knowledge gaps regarding the pre-departure phases of the labor migration process.

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Bridging the Gap

This research aims to reduce instances of human trafficking, forced labor, and debt bondage during the labor migration of Filipino MDWs. In particular, it investigates the informational needs of and most efficient information channels to reach aspiring Filipino MDWs, from the moment of consideration until their departure. Based on its findings and direct client engagement, we have identified scalable, cheap, accessible, and effective preemptive intervention points in order to ensure a safer migration for Filipino migrant workers around the world. 

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Patagonia: Tackling Human Trafficking in Global Supply Chains

This case follows Patagonia's efforts to eliminate human trafficking and forced labor from their supply chain in Taiwan and Thailand. The company's Social and Environmental Responsibility team conducted audits and implemented initiatives to address these issues, but in 2019, they discovered further exploitation in a Thai factory. The case explores the challenges and decisions faced by the SER team.


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Social Auditing in Global Supply Chains: Forced Labor in the Malaysian Rubber Glove Industry

This case is written from the perspective of Ting-ting Loh, CEO of Aguila Safety Group (ASG), who had to make important decisions about how to address the allegations of forced labor in ASG’s supply chain, while continuing to meet demands for medical supplies during the pandemic.

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Big Chocolate: Child Slavery in the Cocoa Industry

​The Responsible Business Initiative proposed legal requirements for Swiss companies to undertake human rights and environmental due diligence. Nestlé, accused of aiding child labor, opposed the initiative, which was rejected in a referendum. This case explores business ethics, corporate accountability, and the issue of child labor in the cocoa supply chain.


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​Fair Employment Agency: Eliminating Forced Labour Through Ethical Business Practices

The case was inspired by the real story of Scott Stiles and the Fair Employment Agency, a non-profit employment agency, founded in Hong Kong, with the purpose of eliminating forced labour. The Agency aims to address this issue with the introduction of a new business model in the domestic worker employment agency industry, which addresses social aims while allowing companies to be profitable.


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